We've Got Your Back
RISE Working Groups
The RISE Working Groups were created to develop projects that will benefit Happy Camp residents. One of these lifesaving projects is implementing long-term community resilience, which will better prepare Happy Camp to respond and recover from future disasters. Because of collaborative efforts the Working Group members accomplish more, utilizing their collective knowledge and experience. This approach also reduces duplication of efforts and funding. Below is more information about our five Working Groups.
Community Engagement
In order to meet the needs of our community, RISE relies on the input from people in Happy Camp. Our Community Engagement efforts are what connect us. Below are some examples of current or upcoming activities.
1. Homes 4 Happy Camp Workshops
2. ReCover CA Presentations and Case Management
3.Siskiyou County ADU Plans Community Workshops
4. Rural Families' Experiences Wildfire Recovery
5. Cal Poly Wildfire Recovery Project
Emergency Preparedness
Ensuring our community is better prepared for future disasters or emergencies is a top priority for RISE. We are working in collaboration with our partners to ensure we are not caught unprepared. Below are some of our current and upcoming efforts.
1. HC Community Resilience & Emergency Operations Center Project
2. Ingress/Egress Routes
Funding and Finance
RISE is always working with our partners to find and apply for grants that will allow us to bring to Happy Camp the programs and services that will improve people's lives and make our community safer. Below are some examples of current of upcoming grants.
1. Prepare CA Jumpstart Grant
2. Upstate Creative Corps Grant
Housing and Construction
Housing was a problem in Happy Camp even before the Slater Fire. With so many people who had no insurance or they were underinsured the situation is worse. RISE is working hard to help find solutions. Below are some examples of current or upcoming efforts.
1. Hope Crisis Recovery Network Rebuilds
2. ReCover CA Program Assistance
3. Siskiyou County ADU Plan Sets
Natural Resources and
Fuels Mitigation
Reducing the fire risk to your home and property requires on-going efforts. RISE encourages the residents of Happy Camp to take Home Hardening and Defensible Space seriously. Below are some examples of current and upcoming efforts.
3.Home Hardening and Defensible Space
4. Happy Camp Community Wildfire Protection Plan
Coming Soon
RISE is always exploring new opportunities to bring to Happy Camp the services and programs that will benefit the residents every day and during a disaster or declared emergency.

Ideas Always Welcome
If you would be interested in joining one of our Working Groups, we are always looking for individuals wanting to volunteer and share their ideas, talents and enthusiasm to help strengthen our community.