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Choose a Way to Help

Donate Money
Monetary Donations allow RISE to purchase what Disaster Survivors need, when they need it and in the exact quantity. Through the organization's different connections, we can usually get items at discounted prices, making donations go further. With so many people needing help RISE strives to make sure every dollar is used wisely.
Donate Items
The needs of Disaster Survivors can be enormous when they have lost everything. RISE connects with those in need of help to replace the necessities they lost, and these items are listed on the organization's website during active disasters. The Wish List is updated daily to ensure we are collecting the most essential items.

Donate Your Time
In the aftermath of a disaster, people show up to help, giving generously of their time and talents. Without volunteers providing assistance to Disaster Survivors efforts would fall short of meeting all the different needs.
It takes a "Village" to get through a disaster and volunteers are an essential part of the recovery.

This is Your Chance to Do Some Good